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Live From The Arts Center On Kmsu89.7fm
LIVE FROM THE ARTS CENTER, 1-2 p.m. on KMSU 89.7FM (streaming and archived for two weeks at kmsu.org) is an ongoing discussion about why to bother making art, hosted by Ann Rosenquist Fee and Michael Callahan. Fee is executive director of the Arts Center, a style columnist for Mankato Magazine, a singer, and a tarot card reader. Callahan is a producer, painter, comedian, magician, and proprietor of Blue Moon Comedy and Magic in St. Peter. Each show features music that’s new to one or both hosts, along with impassioned conversation about the creative process, the value of validation, the payoff of experimentation, and other joys and perils of artmaking.

For more about the Arts Center: artscentersp.org. For more about the hosts: annrosenquistfee.com, and

Faribault County Domestic Violence Support Group
For women who are victims of domestic and sexual violence.

A place to learn, share and get support.
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